Tag Archives: an experiment in love

Everyone else is doing it so I am too… best books of 2009

This year I wrote down every novel I read. I wanted to see how many I get through, and have a record. I’ve read some great books over the years that I would like to revisit but only remember fragments – a mum teaching her daughter to use a washing machine, a girl eating a sugar mouse – and wish I still had them. If anyone recognises either of those scenes do let me know.

Some were forgettable, but here are my personal favourites.

The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood – Anyone who loves Atwood will enjoy this. Three friends, all burned in various ways by the same woman, are shocked when she returns from the dead to cause havoc once again. A brilliant, over-the-top tale about the vicious side of female friendship.

I’ll Go To Bed At Noon by Gerard Woodward – The middle novel in Woodward’s funny, tragic trilogy about booze-soaked family life in North London. Continue reading

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