Tag Archives: wapping project

Guest post: A guide to art galleries in East London

If there’s one thing that East London has in abundance, it’s art galleries. With well over 100 to choose from, there are enough to keep ardent art lovers going for years.

The fantastic First Thursdays initiative offers a wonderful way to dip your toe into East London’s art scene for free, but if you’re just looking to amble along to a couple after work or while on a short break in London, here’s a brief introduction to some of the best.

Barbican, Silk Street, EC2
Okay, so everyone knows about the Barbican, but it would feel a little strange talking about galleries in East London without mentioning it. This is the place to go if you want to see works by huge international artists before taking in a film, concert or dance performance – it really is a great all-round arts venue.

Whitechapel Gallery, Whitechapel High Street, E1
Another big player, Whitechapel Gallery is the organiser of the aforementioned First Thursdays scheme and also awards the well-respected Max Mara Art Prize for Women. Lots of big names have exhibited here and the venue holds many fascinating talks, workshops, children’s events and more throughout the year.

Chisenhale Gallery, Chisenhale Road, E3
You might come across the next big thing if you visit Chisenhale Gallery. This vibrant space housed in a converted 1930s factory prides itself on hosting exhibitions highlighting the work of new artists. Look out for displays of art by Lynette Yiadom-Boakye and Amalia Pica later this year.

Limehouse Gallery, Docklands, E14
Limehouse Gallery provides the opportunity to see some quite frankly amazing bronze sculptures right next to where they were made. Sharing a site with the Bronze Age Sculpture Foundry, the venue showcases works by artists in the UK and the rest of Europe. It also occasionally exhibits paintings, stone carvings and art in other media.

Viktor Wynd Fine Art, Mare Street, E8
Now for something completely different. Quirky, delightful and sometimes shocking, the exhibitions at Viktor Wynd Fine Art aim to promote an eclectic range of artists – upcoming events include an ancient Egypt-inspired display of work by James Putnam and an exhibition relating to the late Sebastian Horsley, who once attempted a crucifixion to inspire his painting. Viktor Wynd himself is an artist who helps run The Last Tuesday Society, which holds spectacular balls and parties, as well as lectures delving into all kinds of weird and wonderful subjects.

Wapping Project, Wapping Hydraulic Power Station, E1
The setting of this arts centre is just as fascinating as the exhibitions it holds. The Wapping Project has preserved much of the interiors of the original 19th-century power station it’s housed in, treating visitors to chains, pipes, brick walls and other industrial features against which all kinds of art are displayed. A restaurant and bar can also be found onsite, so this could be a great destination for a full day out in East London.

Matt’s Gallery, Copperfield Road, E3
The well-respected Matt’s Gallery has a reputation for commissioning installations that go on to achieve considerable fame. Perhaps the best known of these is the engine oil-soaked 20:50 by Richard Wilson, which is the Saatchi Gallery’s only permanent installation. The gallery is a definite must-visit for art that really makes you think.

Vyner Street Gallery, Vyner Street, E2
Vyner Street Gallery is another venue ideal for discovering new talent. Specialising in student and graduate exhibitions, this is perfect for seeing what the cutting edge of contemporary art looks like. Who knows? You might end up purchasing an artwork that’s worth a small fortune in a few years’ time!

This is just a handful of the wonderful art galleries you can visit in East London. Post your recommendations in the comments below.

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Filed under Things to do

Blueprint magazine at the Wapping Project

P1020820So I finally made it to the Wapping Project. It’s a former power station that’s been converted into a restaurant and exhibition space in – funnily enough – Wapping, which is right on the Thames, close the the oldest pub on the river, the Prospect of Whitby

It’s a beautiful, soaring building, as you can see from the photos. We didn’t stay for a meal, but it does Modern European (ie expensive) dinners, lunch and breakfast. For a review of the breakfast, here’s a recent write up from the trusty London Review of Breakfasts. What it lacks in detail it compensates with wit. Continue reading


Filed under Things to do

Something for the long weekend

P1020094So much on this weekend, and so many people hit the road to leave London, giving the rest of us a bit of breathing space. Here are some suggestions…..

You’re probably way too late to book a table at Moro, but that’s alright, because the recipes have no waiting list. Here are a few. My favourite is the lemon yogurt cake, which is surprisingly easy to make – the last time I made it I had the diligent help of a four-year-old boy, whose verdict was ‘this is better than ice cream.’ There can be no higher praise. Continue reading

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